Seven months in and I've decided to start a blog where I can bounce a few ideas and evaluate my goals over the course of the year. In 2021 I established a lot of momentum in building the life I want to live, which is dedicated towards becoming a music artist and being innovative in ways that challenge the integrity of what it means to be a creative today. I started putting the pieces together in 2020 but it wasn't until I stepped out of my comfort box that these ideas transformed into a brand, an audience, and connections with people from across the world. Once I committed to my interests I was rewarded by being allowed to explore these interests without having to allocate my energy towards outside responsibilities. I traveled the country, made some money independently, went to concerts and ultimately had control over my time + freedom. These moments were very essential to my growth and faith in knowing I was on the right path. Going into this new project, I want to take my accomplishments and maximize them to create more success for myself but also create a community that values risk and failure in order to be reach your peak. The past 7 months were about laying the foundation, and now it's time to put that energy outwards.